
and within 5 minutes, James had departed down to mums house to go into the pool.
It's like a switch has been flicked and the stresses of the last twelve months have just gone. In fact, it doesn't even feel like we have been away - it's like we are home. Strange.
No travel issues, very straightforward.
Just a minor incident where a teenage boy got in my beloved's way at the baggage collection, but a large holdall swung with some vigour to lift it soon resolved that problem!
Pizza, beer, pool.
All good.
Just got to get mum's muppet of an IT guy to come back and sort her wi-fi out (he has installed a new router and like he did two years ago, has left it completely unsecured. Dipstick)
That's it. Wine o'clock
Oh, Nic - I have had a beer, and I enjoyed it - it must be the heat (so you were right!)

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