Last day in the holiday, and I'm on the bus back to Oslo. Looking out of the bus window and thinking about my country. We have been in such extreme situation, and reacting in such an extraordinary way.

One man wanted to spread terror, fright and horrow - and a whole country reacted with love, togetherness, solidarity, care and turning not only Oslo, but every city in Norway to cities of flowers. A strong will to have an even more open, democratic and loving country.

While these thoughts floating through my mind as I see the Norwegian landscape float through the bus window, we are just 200 metres away from a car accident.
Seconds after this photo was taking 5 cars crashed into each other. We stood still on the road waiting 1, 5 hour wondering if anyone was killed. 4 ambulances, 1 fire engine, 3 police cars. Endly we get the news. No one killed, no life-threatening injuries. 2 cars totally smashed.

Endly I'm back in beloved Oslo after a wonderful holiday.

Once again thank you for all your kind and supporting comments lately.

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