Catherine Lacey: BoyStory

By catherinelacey

My water babies

Annenberg beach house pool again followed by their swim assessment for lessons at a different pool in Santa Monica. Summer is no longer the time for Reuben's big neck surgery and halo. It has been metamorphosed into a glorious time for play, reading and swimming. When you have a second chance, well really we just postponed the surgery for the sake of summer lovin, everything appears so much more beautifully in front of you.

Made me very happy watching them like this today. Quite ecstatic really.

Bobbing along, me smiling along with anyone else who saw them.

And rather sweetly, there was other mums wanting their toddlers to join in on the float.

Can you spot the two heaven sent little sun stars?

All will be revealed tomorrow.


PS Bob books are on the Ipad and suddenly Callum is making words just like Reuben.
PPS A very enjoyable consult with Lisa & Jonathan on their wedding images. Good fun guys!
PPPS The boys were wearing hats in the water and just whipped them off for this shot.

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