Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Lily the lab

I love Lily the lab.

Today I met up with Lily the lab and her owner, Sarah. Lily is ever so nice (so is Sarah). I was expecting to meet a naughty lab that didn't know how to behave, but she was ever so nice and well behaved.

Lily's mum, Sarah, had brought a ball and thrower. I love playing with balls so I had great fun racing Lily to get the ball. I'm very speedy so most of the time I got the ball. However sometimes Lily got the ball and then she'd just go wandering off with it. Obviously, I had to follow her, even though Ann was shouting at me to come back. Well, I was trying to teach Lily that the whole idea of the the game is to bring it back to the humans so they can throw it again.

After we'd had a play on the grass we went to the beach however by then the ball was a bit chewed so when Sarah threw it into the water it sunk. .................And neither of us can dive.

Then Sarah started throwing stones into the water for us to chase. Well how stupid is that? Lily didn't seem to think it was stupid at all. I knew it was pointless trying to retrieve a stone that had sunk so I just played at swimming around by myself. However every time Sarah threw a stone into the sea Lily went diving into the water to retrieve it - silly puppy!

After about an hour of playtime Ann & Sarah said it was 'wine o'clock' so off we trotted to the Porthgwidden Beach Cafe for a glass of wine. I was a very good girl so just lay down under the table. Lily was a bit more restless .................. but that's only because her mum obviously doesn't drink as much as Ann - hee hee.

Then Lily's Dad joined us. He had an ice cream and I tried giving him my 'appealing' look. I think he liked me - but he didn't give me any ice cream?! Also when Ann & Sarah were drinking wine, in the beach cafe, in the sunshine, by the sea, they took a photo of themselves so that they could send it to Kirstie from Pigeons Blog 'cos they knew she'd be really envious that she wasn't with us. Hee hee that was fun!

Anyway I have had the best afternoon ever.

Lily's mum is going to make a collage of us for her blip today. And she's told Ann how to do it. So who knows - Ann could become a techie blipper yet??!!

Thank you Lily the lab for a great afternoon.

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