
Thank you to everyone who both viewed and commented on my own and Grandmama's blips yesterday. I hope you all realise what it means to both of us - comforting words from our extended virtual family! It's heartwarming, it really is. She'll thank you in person at the "Blip Convention 2009" that she's dreaming of (what a fab idea though!).

So a new day and a new start to another chapter in all of our lives. Plans are being made, lists drawn up, things being done. A walk around the park for me, Mum and Mrs DP blew away a few cobwebs, and had a lovely sense of normality to it. And for me personally still a sense of relief, that he's free from pain and that the end was not prolonged or drawn out, as swift and callous as it was.

Anyway, thanks again. Normal blips will resume shortly. I hope everyone is having a grand weekend.

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