The Hazyland Boys

By TheHazylandBoys

Erm... Beat... That's my shoe...

Good morning,

It's an early blip from us today, both because it will be a busy day and because Beat sort of handed it to me on a silver platter...
He came in from the garden, zoomed through the house, grabbed my shoe as he passed it, jumped up on the sofa with it and started killing it...

"Erm... Beat... What are you doing with my shoe...?"
"Your shoe??? You mean my best toy...?"
"No Beat, it's my shoe you have there..."
"Oh sorry, can you please hand me my toy then...?!"

I love dogs - all the silly little things they do, that makes us smile :-)

Sorry the picture is a bit blurred. I didn't make time for a long photo session before I took the shoe away, so this was the best I got. I do like that shoe and wanted to see it survive!

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