Ramblings and Mutterings

By ValleyAllBlack

Peace and Music

After a miserable day yesterday, today was a vast improvement! Of course it helps when you can work from home, which means a lie in, the mobile phone was pretty quiet and the email traffic was bearable. It was also a busy day after finally getting access to our new Training Management System, and then having to input all our training requests for 2012 into the system before the deadline of Monday. As our employees are in the hundreds you can see the pressure was on a bit, not that I minded because it meant I was busy and was focussed in what I was doing.

A nice evening of relaxation was ahead with Neath F.C. playing Newport County on the Gnoll, just 24 hours after we?d played Real Betis. We lost 5-2 but it was a good game and there were some cracking goals scored by both sides. To round off the evening I sampled the whisky that I bought yesterday.

I've already done a football blip so saw no point in doing another, so I wanted to do something different. I've seen quite a few stained glass windows over the past week on Blipfoto so went looking for that today. This is one from the Church, it is of Saint Cecilia, and I just like the subtle colours of the window and the roughness of the paintwork surrounding the window.

Saint Cecilia is the Patron Saint of Musicians, because it is said as she was dying she was singing to God, you will notice in her arms she is playing a harp or a small organ. There can only be one hymn that comes to mind which is "Tell out, my Soul" by Timothy Dudley-Smith (b.1926) based on Luke 1:46-55.

Tell out, my soul,
the greatness of the Lord:
unnumbered blessings,
give my spirit voice;
tender to me
the promise of his word;
in God my Saviour
shall my heart rejoice.

Tell out, my soul,
the greatness of his name;
make known his might,
the deeds his arm has done;
his mercy sure,
from age to age the same;
his holy name,
the Lord, the mighty one.

Tell out, my soul,
the greatness of his might;
pow'rs and dominions
lay their glory by;
proud hearts and stubborn
wills are put to flight,
the hungry fed,
the humble lifted high.

Tell out, my soul,
the glories of his word:
firm is his promise,
and his mercy sure.
Tell out, my soul,
the greatness of the Lord
to children's children
and for evermore.

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