Ever bright and fair

By vincedesjardins

Nutty Over Squirrels

Other than some portraits of Poppy, taken while she was watching a squirrel in an Oak tree, I really didn't take many photos today. I tried to get a shot of a blue bird, but I was too far away. Of the pictures that I took of Poppy, I think this was my favorite. She looks like she is happy and smiling.

By the way, the harness that she wears is called a "gentle leader," and it is great if you have a strong dog that pulls you when you're walking. Because the leash fastens on underneath the chin, and not at the neck, the dog can't put all of their weight into pulling on their leash. If they try to pull, it turns their head slightly to the side. Wearing the 'gentle leader,' they are still able to open their mouths, to bark, eat treats and drink water. There is no fear of them choking like there sometimes is when they are straining hard on a collar that is around their neck. When we first got Poppy she was a strong puller. When walking her, I often felt like she was going to dislocate my shoulder. Then a few people mentioned the 'gentle leader,' and I decided to give it a try. It has made a huge difference (it as well as obedience classes) and it made walking her a much more enjoyable experience.

P.S. Sorry if this has sounded like an advertisement!

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