My Life Is Not Average

By melamny


A mug I made in crafts at Lendrick Muir yesterday and a mug I was given for being part of the team. As a coffee drinker, mugs are a good thing :) But I do have rather a lot of them now!

That's my second Scripture Union camp for this summer over now. It will be weird coming back to "normality", which isn't really that normal because it's the holidays. I've already spent far too much time on the computer, and I still need to do the church bulletin for tomorrow.

It's been great to see some of the kids grow in their faith this week as they've learnt more about God and Saul/Paul. This is why I'm more than happy to volunteer a week (or two!) of my summer - I love giving kids the opportunity to find out more about our amazing God. And it's a lot of fun, too.

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