
By tufty

Drama in the skies!

OK, well, not too much drama, obviously, but the clouds were threatening in a sort-of benign manner. There was more drama obviously coming home as we were ear-witnesses to a collision between a car and a bike on a zebra. Not sure how the bloke in the car didn't see the cyclist and, this being the countryside, there was the suspicion that he wouldn't sail through a breathalyser test without some assistance...we'll never know. We called the police and the ambulance people and almost stereotypically, the ambulance people arrived and set about doing things that might help whilst the police arrived later (not that it matters) and set about running about like headless chickens whilst collecting people's details in biro on the back of an envelope. Ah, tireless professionals, obviously. Viktor, the kid who experienced the "assisted-Superman" manoeuvre looked to be OK by the time we left, thank God.

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