this luminous life.

By Laura


I have to go in the kitchen to get my shampoo before showering.

Yes, I wash my hair with kitchen ingredients.

I've been trying to go 'poo-free for nearly a year now and finally perfected the routine a couple months ago. It took too long to get it perfect because I was doing it incorrectly and wasn't patient enough.

Last May, in a state of frustration, I stopped washing my hair with anything altogether and just used water. My hair was consistently greasy for weeks but less and less so. Then one day, I used the baking soda and vinegar and emerged from the shower with amazing, perfect, soft, clean hair! I was so excited. It was too easy and has been working well since then.

How to do it right:

Shampoo: 2 TBSP baking soda mixed in 1 cup warm water.
Conditioner: 1 TBSP apple cider vinegar mixed in 1 cup warm water.

You can mix them up separately before getting in the shower or do what I do: keep a plastic cup in the shower. Mix the baking soda in the water, pour over your head, massage your scalp, and rinse. Then pour the apple cider vinegar in the cup with water, pour over your head, massage, and rinse. The vinegar will smell in the shower, but it won't smell on your hair after you rinse it out. Make sure to thoroughly rinse so no baking soda or vinegar is left on your hair.

If you decide to do this, your hair will be oily for a couple weeks before it really starts to work. Patience and consistency is key. I now wash every three to four days. I still shower daily - sometimes I let the water run over my hair, and some times I don't. It doesn't really matter. I also let my hair dry naturally.

I also wrote a guest post on this topic on Peculiar Girl if you're interested in reading more about why I decided to go 'poo-free.

a year ago: condiments.

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