Bare Bottomed Boy

I decided to risk another day of no nappy for Ben today, as we have had an at home day.

He has jumped to the challenge! So far today we have only had one little piddle on the floor and then he remembered what to do. I have been asking him if he needs a wee too, although his shining moment came totally unprompted by me.

Mummy! Wee coming mummy! Quick quick!!

And there he was, running to the toilet before my brain had even realised what was going on.

Turned out to not only be a wee, but a POO too! I have been panicking about these poos, mainly because Ben's pooing position is crouched on the floor with his bottom in the air and I had no idea how he was going to translate that into sitting on the toilet to poo. But he did. All by himself!!

Amazed doesn't even come close.

Proud is the big feeling right now :)

A few more here (I didn't know if I could get away with bare bottoms on blipfoto so I have put them on flickr!):
Mummy! Sofa eating me mummy!!
Just chillin', watching telly, no nappy on...
Playing boo!

In other news, I am also rather proud of myself - I managed to untangle the phone line and run the cable upstairs so no more dashing down the stairs to try and answer the phone before it goes to answerphone. (We have the option of it going to answerphone after 6 rings, or not at all... really useful!) All by myself!
AND, I managed to capture and eject a MASSIVE housespider from the bath. I don't do spiders. I really really don't. I confess I even begged Steve to come home from work during lunch to eject it, but he refused so I HAD to grow up.

Ben has been a Big Boy today (and I suspect he will get involved with the decorating downstairs when it's ready for that!) and I have been a Big Brave Girl too.

A good day!

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