Episode #11 of 'It's only water (and my feet are nice and dry)' began with me striding up to the 'mile listening to the Eye of the Tiger. It pretty much ended me looking like a bedraggled fool, as I'd refused to use an umbrella due to the awkwardness of trying to juggle a camera and staying dry without the aid of a handy raincoat. Yes, I put on the wrong coat this morning - but at least I had lovely stompy boots on that kept my feet warm and dry. The rest I can deal with - even the ridicule for having my hair completely 'ruined' (short hair + hairspray + rain = amusement for others).

Anyways, the enthusiasm on the 'mile was noticeably muted; the number of performers was small, however the ones that were there - mainly umbrella in hand - still happy to chat about the show, especially when the venue could be sold on the basis of 'it's warm and dry inside, and you can go there now'. I'd have been very tempted to choose a random show had I not had to return to work; the fact that the venue was a nearby pub almost made that option too tempting to resist; but nay, I had to return to the desk.

This wasn't just random toomfoolery on the streets, it was advertising a show. I have no idea what for, I 'snapped and ran'. Ok, 'snapped and ambled vaguely away' to be more accurate, but you get the idea. I was sodden and I was rethinking my position on 'it's only water'. I'm only mildly damp now, and I think I've proved (as I've quoted to the parents many a time when running outside without a coat) 'I'm not made of sugar, I'll wont dissolve'.

Back to listening to cheesy music for me. Cheesy music makes even constant rain tolerable.

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