Flying North East to Way out West!

This was taken at 4.15 am this morning at Edinburgh Airport! John and I got up at three to take Andy and Jill for their flight to Gothenburg. They are off to the Way out West music festival there. The highlight of the weekend will hopefully be to see Prince play tonight. ' Purple rain.'.....

Because of the purple persisting rain here this is possibly the only photo I will take today so decided to blip it.

To make ourselves feel a bit cheerier we headed to M and S for the £10 meal deal. However on the way home we popped in to see Ali , Phil , Euan and Isla and have been invited for tea tomorrow evening. Looking forward to that and hearing all about their St Andrews holiday. Auntie Fifi will be there as well so a fun evening should be had by all. ( Enjoy the festival, Lyall!!)

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