Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat


We had a leisurely morning as we didn't have to check out of the hotel until 11am and then headed back to Edinburgh. We got the train all the way to town so that I could go to John Lewis and look for some wool to make a baby blanket for my little nephew-to-be. There were many beautiful yarns but I forgot the important point that it would need to be machine washable. Before I got too carried away looking at the gorgeous silk/mohair blends, The Boy got me back on track and found a lovely wool.

I had always assumed that the information on the band around the wool contained secret code that would tell you how much you would need. After consulting one of the nice ladies, it appears that no, really you just have to guess. I bought three balls and she reassured me they had plenty more in stock. Now all I need to do is learn to crotchet!

I needed to sort some stuff in the guest bedroom and found a box of my stuffed toys, they got banished to a box to try and control my dust allergies. I got this little rhino at a trip to London Zoo.

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