Enclosure 99 - Humans

Edinburgh Zoo has a new exhibition for the next 15 days and brings with it probably the closest creature to you and I, Humans - well actually they are dancers so not quite humans...

Inhabiting the enclosure, this unique species of humans 'the dancer' will interact with their environment; explore cultural and behavioural differences and similarities through movement and other non-verbal communication. Up to 60,000 people visiting Edinburgh Zoo over 15 days in August might be surprised to encounter the inhabitants of Enclosure 99, while those visiting especially to see 'humans' will also be able to enjoy more than 1,000 more rare and beautiful animals at Edinburgh's second most popular tourist attraction.

Feeding time is 13:00 each day when the 'zoo keeper' will enter the enclosure to refresh the 'humans'. At 15:00 each day the Human Animal Talk will give visitors a chance to find out more about this unique species and the deep connections they share with other primates in the zoo.

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