A Pic is Worth a 1000 Words.

By AgrawalKrish

See the World Upside Down.

Got 2nd opportunity to jump from 13,000 feet to pump the Adrenaline to max. In 2009 first jump was little scary, today's 2nd attempt was more like celebration in the sky. Sunny hot california spirit & cool breeze in hair provoked me to do it again. This is same place which helped me to get rid of acrofobia couple of years ago, today it complemented the thrill with fun to cherish.

Lesson Learnt @ great height: Mike (instructor) taught me how to control parachute (how to fall quickly, how to turn it & even how to STOP [hover] it in the sky).

Most Scary part: was to Hover above HWY-99 right before landing, Whole crazy California highway traffic going couple of hundreds of feet below the feet and Mike was still keeping the parachute steady.. Damn just move it away from the highway [reminded me the incident I was told last time here that one lady straight landed on HIGHWAY some 10 years ago and was crushed by the traffic]. Huff... it's madness ;)


Perfect for this day... Oops!...I Did It Again

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