Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

I've got a brand new combine harvester....

I saw these vehicles in one field as I returned home from taking friends to the airport for an evening flight to Exeter. By the time I had parked, the workers had moved the machines across a busy road to another field.

It was fascinating to see how the front blades were transported. They were removed from the combine and placed on a trailer behind a tractor. Once in the new field they were lifted off by the combine and very quickly clipped on to the beast. Then it was off immediately to harvest more oil seed rape. A bit like using Lego really.

The place was immediatley engulfed in clouds of dust so I left and came home for my favourite night on TV: University Challenge (well done Durham), Only Connect (well done Social Networkers) and New Tricks (well done the lads)

Committee meeting this morning. All has been going very well and we gave ourselves a pat on the back, so inevitably a problem has arisen before bedtime. We'll sort it out I'm sure.

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