Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Boss - Norway

I had an appointment with the cardiologist at 9:15, so walked to the hospital and back. It wasn't long before my name was called for the pre-appointment weigh-in and blood-pressure check. It was good to hear the nurse tell me that my BP reading was "perfect", the first of the day which she could describe like that. Things didn't go so well when I actually went in to chat with a member of the main man's team. To start with, she hadn't read my file before calling me in and had to do this while I sat there twiddling my thumbs. Then, she could find no record of either the results of my latest 24-hour heart monitor usage or of my cholesterol blood test a week ago. Then, she didn't like what she heard after running her stethoscope over me. Without the heart monitor results she had no option but to send me for an immediate ECG (which was no bother, since they took me in right away and gave me the readout to bring back there and then). While I was waiting the ten minutes or so for the ECG, she followed me up to say she'd spoken to the main man and he'd advised that I go through another stress test and scan.

She was happy enough with things when she studied the ECG readout, explaining that the irregularity she'd noticed with the stethoscope was a regular one and have no reason for concern. I'm to go back in three months time, and have been booked in for the stress test and the scan between now and then. We also spoke about the cardiac implications of my prostate situation, and she reassured me that they were being kept fully informed and saw no reason for concern on that front either.

By mid afternoon, though, I was ready for a break and another bit of  a wander, all too conscious of not walking as much recently as I should be. So I made my way to Malahide for a breath of sea air and some blipping. During my aimless wandering (more off the beaten track than usual this time) I stumbled on a boatyard with all sorts of fascinating bits and pieces scattered around. It was quite rewarding in blip terms, and I found it difficult to choose a single shot for blip uploading. This one got the nod eventually.

I relaxed with music and reading and TV for the rest of the evening.

This one benefits from a touch of bigness

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