Love Live Music

By lovelivemusic

Plum Rum

Yesterday we harvested Damsons and Plums from the garden - our annual August glut of fruit. Aside from the jams and crumbles we make, last year we tried a new recipe recommended by one of Prince Charle's workers who we met at Clarence House. This is how Prince Charles makes wonderful liqueurs.

He recommended harvesting the best unbruised fruit and placing it in Vodka with sugar, waiting 6 months, remembering to shake every day for 6 weeks and storing in a dark cupboard. This year we have branched out with Jack Daniels, Schnapps, South Comfort and Spicy Rum. We have also added the best vanilla essence to give them a sweet flavour. This is a slight change on the recipe but will give the most wonderful drink for dark autumnal days. Delicious....

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