
peggy started school today - reluctantly. having been over excited last night she was tired this morning and didn't really want to let go of my leg when she went into class. she wasn't the only person crying at school today though - I looked round the playground at one point and saw heaps of other mums weeping that their wee ones were off to school. I didn't get a chance, I was too busy unpicking peggy's fingers that were clamped onto me.

she came round eventually and I sprinted off down the corridor. she came out later beaming and we resolved to have a better morning tomorrow.

daisy, now a big p4 also walked half way home herself today - she was so pleased with herself (and I was relieved to see her after waiting for ages for her to appear), when beth's friends gave her a round of applause she went bright red bless her.

early night all round today - I finally finished a mahoooosive blackboard for hoodles today so in celebration I'm going to bed early to watch a film.

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