Kaz's life

By Kazchi

Tennis for cats

So Gerard apparently like to play with tennis balls. Okay. He's always been a rather strange cat.

Got loads of stones today. Got some from across the fields and from my moms lovely next door neighbour. She also happens to be my boyfriends aunty. Small world. Or it's probably because he's got a large family.

My chi is having trouble walking now she is so big. Hopefully we will be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet soon.

My mom to her beloved ferret Charlie to the vets today. We all thought he had put in loads of weight but the vet gave us bad news. It is a build up of fluid apparently. It's common in animals of a cretin age. She has gave him some tablets but if they don't work after a month she has been advised to have him put to sleep as he will end up having a horrific death. He will drown in the fluids. I really hope he gets better. She loves that ferret so much.

Off to bed now. Got to move Khloe fi

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