Wayside shop, Sheep's Head style

What a difference a bit of sun makes! This is the third day and spirits are lifted!

A bit of a fraught morning trying to download the proofs for the next batch of cards - nothing was happening my end and a dreaded error message was coming up - himself has now come to the rescue and done something clever so all is well.
I was working at Alice West Museum cum tea room again today and busied myself cataloguing books whilst waiting for customers. A good few people passed through and much chat was done though only a few cups of tea were taken. The books are incredible. They are Alice's own collection and were literally just piled up everywhere in her house when she died and so they were left for many years, disintegrating into each other. But some are okay and I am going through each one just making a record. The most interesting one so far is Hudibras by Samuel Butler, with illustrations by Hogarth, dated 1775!! She was very interested in architecture, philosophy, poetry, art and politics! Quite a fascinating mixture.

This little wayside shop has caught my eye several times. It looks so jolly with the bunting festooning the walls. There is a wonderful selection of stuff, aimed at the walker and casual passerby - everything from sandwiches to cakes to water, to chutneys and jams - all home made. The nasturtium flower relish sounded intriguing as did the fresh mint sauce but I went for a jar of lemon curd and some spicy tomato chutney. There's no-one around and an honesty box is provided. I shall leave some jamjars when I'm next passing.

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