must try harder

By halfcj

The Importance of Being Earnest - Part 4

This is the lovely Vicki. As our Joe's girlfriend, she has become an integral part of our family over the last year. She makes Joe happy. That makes us happy. They seem as committed to each other as 18 year-olds can be and as free spirited as 18 year-olds ought to be. They don't see each other everyday, but their bond appears strong and they treat each other well, with respect and love.

We were sat late one evening around the kitchen table, usual family banter, eating, drinking when a call come in from our eldest. He'd had a really tough night at the restaurant and wanted a lift home. But we'd all been drinking, so couldn't get into the car! "Vicki will pick him up" pipes up Joe. He called her, she drove over to us, collected Joe as navigator, and then drove into London and picked up Tom and brought him home at midnight.

Today, they got their A Level results. Both did well. Both with places at Nottingham University (ironically on the same course - purely coincidentally the offers they got). Vicki secured her place. Joe fell one module mark shy of getting the A he needed to secure his place!! (that's about one 3rd of one percentage point! - he scored 319, and A was 320!).

Joe needed reassurance and to be told that actually, he did well. It's difficult to be happy for others when you world feels like it's fallen apart. So Vicki came over and whilst happy for her own success, she supported Joe in discussing his options and boosting his morale. She took him to the pub to meet all their friends out celebrating their successes. All is not over. We drank champagne and toasted the both of them.

Vicki's our kinda gal!

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