The Edge of the Wold

By gladders

Rays of hope

When I looked out of the window this morning there was mist drifting below the house while we were bathed in early morning sunshine. I scrambled to get dressed and out of the house before the sun burned the mist off. There was a heavy dew on the grass, the air was still and the light clear and bright - it seems like months since we have had conditions like that. This photo is taken just up the road from our house, looking across the shallow valley to Middlebarrow in the cloud. The free standing tree has been blipped before, but not in this sort of light.

In the event the mist did not burn off immediately. Alas, the call of meetings at work meant that I had to leave while it was still mistily mysterious.

The hopeful news of my Dad is that he is making good progress and should be going home over the weekend.

Many thanks for all the stars and hearts for the morning colours yesterday. It was worth the effort of getting up early for, and two months on from the longest day, getting up for the dawn is more manageable now.

A year ago. The fourth in the Life.turns series.

There are 3 more photos from this morning posted on Flickr.

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