Was It Really So Long Ago

By LincolnGreen

I Don't Believe it!

I'm no great fan of Brussels sprouts, but do enjoy the odd one that's home grown. I've never had any luck growing cauliflowers, but one of my favourite dishes in cauli-cheese. I've not even attempted cabbage growing and probably never will. But broccoli is the undisputed king of the brassica family and we cant grow enough of it.

So great care was taken in the construction of a frame this year to house our grown from seed brassicas. Encased in small gauge chicken wire and topped with even smaller gauge netting, this impenetrable fortress stands guard against those ever determined cabbage whites.

Imagine then my surprise and disbelief on discovering this pest inside, blatantly fluttering from plant to plant without a care! I was on my way to the Semtex cupboard, when beloved interrupted me, suggesting that merely releasing the assailant might be a better idea. I reluctantly agreed and resolved to watch over my flock of broccoli.

Somehow yet another has entered the cage!!

Caterpillar omelette anyone?

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