Brian's Bits

By Kanyl

Well known Chinese Horologist.

Tai Ming Strikes again.

Herself has a palindromatic birthday 14-5-41, so this year's birthday contained a zero...
My turn next year, she's got a toy-boy.

I digress. Where does Tai Ming rear his oriental head?
Today we had an invasion of the inlaws and outlaws, bearing belated presents.

The beauty of the Tai Ming is that on Thursday we partook of a border-raid to Threave gardens, where the Gaffer spotted a magnificent HYDRANGEA arborescens called "Annabelle" DEAD link.
She, successfully, talked herself out of buying it and then proceeded to regret it for all of Friday and half of Saturday.
Came the inlaws, bearing presents. Guess what one of them was???

Not, I might add, that the 42% Cider Brandy will be spurned.

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