running commentary

By Stesedthat

Is Blinky playing out today?

Hello Mrs District, is Blinky coming out to play today?

Good morning young master Stesedthat, nice to see you (yet again)
Now then, despite your insolence I presume you mean my 18th and most beautiful child, Miss Blencathra?

Yes, sorry Mrs District. Is she though? I've got my camera with me today and I thought I might take some nice photos of Bli.. erm, of Miss Blencathra.

I'm afraid my daughter has to spend the day trying on her old hat so she will not be able to play with you and your camera today.

Oh, that IS a shame. Nevertheless I shall go into your lovely garden and look for some of your other, less glamourous children to play with.

OK young sir, I'm sure you will enjoy yourself anyway, dont forget to keep checking across to see if my daughters old hat slips momentarily from her head. And please do call by again very soon, remember, all my greatest children have to spend much of their time trying on their old hats but they will always be there waiting for you.

So many familiar aspects to todays Blip. See here for a similar scene of mine.
Also see here for a much closer but also more obstructed view of the road bridge you can see today (approx one third up and one quarter from left of frame). Finally see here for another angle of the old coach. (not sure what Snappy had done with the colour)

The appearance of Blinkys old hat was a real shame today, especially as I got up at 4am to be on the fell for sunrise.

Missing from this shot is Skiddaw, for she also had to spend the day wearing her own old hat.

I have also uploaded this image to here so you can have a better look

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