today I ...

By BarbiesWorld

...spotted yellow:

which means...

Last week there was a light golden shimmer on the forest of the opposite hill but now it's clear. Summer is over.
How could this have happened? A short moment ago we were in spring and apart from some evenings I don't have the impression that I had 'my summer'. Guess there's nothing I can do.
I know it isn't autumn yet but for me end of august is end of summer as it always was the latest date to return from Italy. And yellow leaves.
Anyway, looking forward what the next season has to bring!

You're wondering about the water drops? See, in Germany all is following authorities orders, even the rain. Ok, boring joke, taken across the water sculpture (erm, in former times you named a thing pouring water a fountain - somehow this doesn't fit anymore) known as 'the shower curtain' - surely it might have a better sounding name but I can't be a.... bothered to look it up. But I promise to shoot it at nighttime again when I put a bit more effort in working out the amenities of Marburg.

Enjoy your last summer days if you have them!

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