Peace Maker


A "Go Between"


These are all names I've heard to describe a person who makes an effort to assist other people to resolve conflicts. I had time to do some thinking today, and I thought about the art of being a peace maker.

During my entire career as a human, it seems I have had reasons to listen to two sides of many arguments. Whether I'm behind a counter selling radios, on the phone providing human services, producing a musical event to raise funds for a food bank, helping out with a ladies retreat or just sitting around a dinner table, where there are humans, there will eventually be disagreement and someone is going to get angry.

Humans share a few things that it helps to know. Most of them want to be respected. Most of them want to be heard. Most of them forget from time to time that others want to be respected as much as they do. Most of them will first try to run away from the wrath of another instead of toward it. Most of them perceive things incorrectly sometimes. Most importantly, everything that is true of most of them is true of me too. It always helps to remain truly kind and gentle when talking with other humans. It's what all of them need deep down inside. And I'm just like them.

In answer to the question I know you will, I didn't observe an argument today. No one called me asking me to mediate something. But today was a bit of an exception, so I found myself thinking about the art of helping others to find peaceful solutions to conflict. I find that the less I engage my emotions in someone else's business, the better I am able to respect them and provide the support they need.

I have no idea why I wanted to say that...but I just did. I also wanted to say that the flowers are beautiful, but it's the part that looks dead that contains the seeds that will be next years crop. Sometimes we give up on things when they look like they're at their worst, but that is when they hold the greatest potential.

That's all, I was just thinkin'.

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