Star Flower

These delightful little flowers have been blooming in my garden for a few weeks now, full of colour and very pretty. They are a bulb and I have them as a border in a dapple shaded position, just out from my lounge.

When I opened the door this afternoon, there was Mum standing their with her bright cheerful smile and her gardening trolley, she and R had come to prune our roses and spend some time in our garden. Hubby and I joined them in the garden and now the roses have all been pruned and tidied - we don't have too many, thank goodness! Thanks Mum and R, the roses look great and we'll all enjoy the blooms to come :)

Our strength is slowly returning and Hubby hopes to head back to work tomorrow, he works 10 hour days which can be tiring if unwell.
Hubby and I appreciate your kind and thoughtful words and thank you for thinking of us :)

Today a star flower with a little bug preparing for lift-off :))

PS Remember one year ago - not the best photo but diffinately the best experience!

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