LocalBoy & His Fotographs

By stevenbirrell

Not A Partridge In A Pear Tree...

But a Robyn in a Plum Tree! Here she is checking out the crop from her tree in her gran's garden. They are both happy with the yield this year and they collected two big bowls worth tonight and it still looks like there will be plenty more to come. Plum crumble anyone?

My mum isn't going to be happy with me when she sees this choice of blip. When they were out collecting the plums, I was re-arranging some home baking she had done for a birthday party tomorrow. Do you know those marshmallows with melted chocolate and smarties on top? I was trying to postion them to spell out 'blip'. Took ages and I wasn't convinced they looked that good.

I did put them all back...well maybe two or three of them never made back into the the box....

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