The Stick

Some people get nervous when faced with the prospect of walking with 6 dogs; 5 of them boisterous Vizslas. However, JL is so chilled out and relaxed, and the dogs so well-behaved and responsive, that it really isn't a stressful undertaking at all. The occasional (potentially) hairy moment, when you see a seal on the beach; or mountain bikers biking; or little children being little, are far out-weighed by the joy that they bring with their antics.

We found a little green pond and spent a happy 20 minutes throwing sticks for the dogs. Albie, though on his extendable lead, wasn't put off by the big kids; and he ploughed on in there. For those of you who want to know, Cousteau is the one on the right of the picture, about to launch into a wee Vizsla barking rendition.

The greeny greens and the russet goldy reds made the decision to make this shot an HDR one. I know that the colours are rather too vibrant, but I don't mind. When I was watching them, this is what I saw; everything just a little brighter than it really was and the pure doggy joy on their faces.

It's been a good day. I've had two walks on two different beaches. Cousteau is now smelling faintly of Head 'n' Shoulders after another rolling session; horse-poo this time. He is flat out on his bed. He has enjoyed his beach walks too.

I'm just about to do a wee bit of school work and then hit the sack.

Oh, and here is yesterday's shot, if you're at all interested.

Nighty night all.

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