A time for everything

By turnx3

Late afternoon bike ride in the country

I skipped church this morning as I'd had a really bad night - I just couldnt get to sleep - ended up coming back downstairs for a while and watching a bit of TV and doing some knitting. Once Roger got home from church, we headed up to see Laura in Oxford - the main reason was so Roger could put some shelves up for her in her bedroom, but since we were there, we thought we'd take her out for lunch. On the way back to her apartment, she took us by the elementary school where she is student teaching for the next seven weeks. Its a pretty new school, about 5 years old, out in the corn fields. We were longer at her apartment than I had expected, as her roommate had some things she wanted put up in the living room, and then we moved some of the furniture round, and Roger was trying to fix our old TV, which we took up for her a couple of weeks ago, and which hasn't been working properly. So it was gone 5pm when we left. We had taken our tandem up with us so we could get some exercise in, so we drove over to Hueston Woods, and Roger had figured out a route for us in the surrounding countryside. It was a lovely ride along quiet country roads (except for the occasional guard dog coming yapping at our heels as we passed!), in the lovely light and long shadows of a late summer afternoon, past fields of corn and soybeans and the occasional herd of cattle.

One year ago: 80 today!

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