Lil' Larry in the Leaves

Best viewed leafy Lil' Larry Large

I spent a good time with Lil' Larry today - it's definitely him, 100% him! I still have some live mealworms & he's still hungry for them, not that he feeds from my hand anymore, but he sits close by, while I coo coo over him, in fact, I coo cooed so much, his Dad turned up to see what was going on!

Here's a few more:

Still a few baby feathers

Spotlight Lil' Larry

A little bit different!

I did *leave* my garden today & went for a walk at my local nature reserve of Halsdon Woods, but none of the photos I took I was too happy with, see for yourself here.

All Lil' Larry photos are high ISO's only because he was sitting hidden in the bushes, not out in the open like he did - this is a good photo of him but a huge ISO 6400!, but when needs must, when the moment needs to be captured for the memories, it just has to be done!

Thanks for all the overwhelming comments, hearts & stars from yesterday's femme fatale blip, Spotlight for a brief moment, twice today in fact... I really thought coming back from Rutland, Spotlight will disappear for me & my blips, no-one will remember me, sorry, silly, low in confidence drivel here... I'll stop there! xx

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