fovea centralis

By fovea

one fish, two fish

red fish, blue fish.... or so the saying goes.

I had a great day today! Did my first patient interview, thought it went well. :) And this evening I shadowed a family practice doc at a high school football game. It was the most fun; being on the sidelines and chatting with doc, the trainer and former trainer assistant. It was amazing to see and feel the community compassion and connect this doctor has. He said I could come back anytime. Not much action, but that is a good thing. The kids didn't get hurt and it was a good game. Though, the trainer did have a tib/fib exposed fracture a few weeks ago. it would have been wild seeing that.

tomorrow is Friday. I have a lot to study this weekend. Two big exams next week and I still have a lot to practice/study for. Its going to be a library weekend.

internet is being soooo slow tonight. comments tomorrow.


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