Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie


Ann couldn't sleep last night so she made me get up really early. I've already had a two hour walk and it's not even 8.30am.

.......................But OMG - we've seen some sights down on the beach this morning.

First we saw a man in 'speedos'. Not a hunky, chunky, 20 year old - but an aging hippie with flab hanging so far over his 'speedos' that we could hardly tell that they were 'speedos'. And we thought 'speedos' went out in the 70's??!!

Worse was to come - there was actually a naked man swimming in the sea. Obviously we couldn't tell he was naked until he got out of the water - which he did - right in front of us! Another one that wasn't hunky or chunky! This one was fat, flabby & had shrivelled bits??!! OK I know - too much information!

The only redeeming thing about this walk was ....................... I found another tennis ball on the beach - YAY!

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