my crazy world

By crazyworld

2 year plan.....

okay here it is...

I turned my calendar over for September and this was on my new page....

Ironically yesterday me and my friend decided to make a plan.....

10 things to do before we are 40

so I thought the words went well with my plan.... the problem is I only have 2 years ... she has 6!!... that doesnt seem fair!!

have spent most of the last day thinking about this .... there is so much Iwant to do but has also made me realise there is quite a lot I have already done especially in terms of travelling and seeing places around the world.. Ive done lots of travelling... obviously I can always do more and do the places again but has also made me look back and be thankful that I had the opportunity to do the travelling...

so... I havent got a comprehensive list yet... but these are the first ones !.. and once its down in writing there is no going back.....

in no particular order... wow this is a bit scary but exciting!!... some of these have recently done but am including these anyhow.... a 10k... done!!

2.......sign up for an ou course.... have done many college courses but never an ou course.. so here I go... would like to go into youth work so thats where am heading

3......attend a music festival... have just booked for ... have wanted to take kids to a music festival for ages.. so now got my bum into gear and booked... there are so many bands and there is a fab kids area too... if anyone wants to join us the more the merrier

4......take the kids to a show in London.... have been myself a few times but never taken the kids ...

5...... go to Dublin for the weekend child free and drink lots of Guinness... me and my friend Sarah are sorting this!!

6.....OBVIOUSLY blip everyday from now until Im 40... that now goes without saying!!

7....use my camera and settings more for blips as I often use my phone lazily ... I spent the afternoon in the woods with the kids today and played with my phone... dont get me wrong I would still love a newer one but it still does more than I thought...

need all your ideas for me to add onto my list..... asked E she said "find a boyfriend"... great!!... that would be the hardest then!!!

seriously all ideas would be seriously welcomed... my friend is doing a parachute jump but im too much of a scaredy cat!!

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