
By cracker

Bev's Tulip!

Not a very good day today! Had a lie in with Spence in the bed whihc was nice. Kaz brought me an apple when I woke up to try an stop me vomiting, I ate it but then stayed in bed for a while longer and as soon as I got up, I vomited!

It was a lovely day so Spence played outside for a bit on the trampoline. We had lunch outside and then went over and chatted to Bev and Joe. Bev's tulips were open so I went a took a couple of photos of them!

I went to the doctor in the afternoon to get a referral to the obstetrician then we drove down to Sandy Point. I was a bit apprehensive to walk into the house because my nose is really sensitive to smells at the moment. Especially things that are perfumed, like air fresheners, deoderants, hand wash etc.

Last time we were there Kaz put an air freshener in Spencer's room and I had to get her to take it out after a couple of days because it was making me feel sick. The smell is still lingering though and our room smelt a bit musty and I nearly threw up straight away!

I ended up throwing up before tea and then after as well! Not ideal!

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