Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Bicester Butterfly

After 7 hours on the road we arrived in Bicester on a lovely warm and sunny day. It was 25 degrees with clear blue skies. What a contrast from the heavy rain and grey skies that we left behind in Scotland.
Took a few blips of the town centre and ripe red apples against the blue sky, however it was this attractive butterfly sitting on the roadway ouside son and girlfriend's new house that I decided to go for. It would appear to be a pretty common Peacock, which I understand uses the bright blue eye like spots on its lower wings to ward off preditors such as mice.
For some reason it was reluctant to fly away and I had to give it a nudge to get it to move off the road.
Bicester is an attractive little town and looks a good place for son to settle into his chosen professional career.

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