
By rubyjones

Fillings, nothing more than fillings.

As I'm in London, I go and see my mum and her crazy finger (long story)
but on the way, I am struck down by a terrible toothache.
I'm in total agony (girl, not boy pain so real pain, not pretend).

Manage to find emergency dentist around the corner from my mum's.
I walk in to find slightly odd mother and son combo.
The son being the dentist, and mother the receptionist/nurse.

After a chat, an examination and an X-ray, the dentist starts to tell me
how well his practice is doing, his plans for expansion, and what car he drives,
then suddenly his mum/nurse/receptionist is leaning over me, asking me
where I live and what I do for a living, and probably checking to
see if I have my own teeth (not difficult in the circumstances).

I get the feeling they're checking me out for more than my ability to pay the extortionate emergency prices.

Me? Marriage material?

I laugh so hard, a little bit of wee comes out.

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