It Started Down Under

By dirk

Cases on Campus

You may wonder what all this writing and rubbish on the table is. I will tell you: these are ideas that I and a couple of fellow students came up with for TNO's uFleks. During the Cases-on-Campus event at the university me and 14 other Industrial Design students worked on cases from TNO, Überdutch and Bureau CQ. We started at 9am and finished at 9pm.

The day had cost me quite some energy, but it also pulled me right back into the academic atmosphere and design way of thinking that I had let go a bit during the summer vacation. Above all we had a lot of fun today.

On my way home I met some people I hadn't seen in a while and chatted up a bit. Once home at around 22.15h I went to visit a very good friend of me and my girlfriend. The birthday present she and her boyfriend had bought for me had finally arrived so she wanted to give it to me. After getting this great present (a musical song/piano book) we chatted a bit in the garden (the weather was great) before I went home and to bed.

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