
We had a small birthday party for my oldest today. Simple and full of family and close friends. I keep saying we'll one day do the "big" party, but then the time comes, and it's just too much.

Not very many photos at all from my camera. It was important that I be present today. It's silly of course to miss all the little moments: cake, gifts, guests, fun. But I can't have a camera strapped to my face always. I needed to be present with my family and nothing else really mattered.

I did get it out early on and snapped a few shots here and there. This is my dad, who we haven't really seen all summer. Summer's are tough since you want to head out and enjoy the sun. Plus this summer was its own unlike any other before it. You can just spot my husband reflecting in his sunglasses.

Thank you to everyone who shared my little man's day. He was such a trooper even though he was catching a cold and fell knee-deep into the mud (shoe sucked in and all). I love you my slimy swamp monster.

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