...Conclusion is the course of All

Summer begins to have the look
by Emily Dickinson

Summer begins to have the look
Peruser of enchanting Book
Reluctantly but sure perceives
A gain upon the backward leaves --

Autumn begins to be inferred
By millinery of the cloud
Or deeper color in the shawl
That wraps the everlasting hill.

The eye begins its avarice
A meditation chastens speech
Some Dyer of a distant tree
Resumes his gaudy industry.

Conclusion is the course of All
At most to be perennial
And then elude stability
Recalls to immortality.

Leaving the summer sanctuary, the old homestead in Maine for another summer. The leaves, the air, the birds, they all know that summer is soon on a conclusion course. Yesterday we took a close car ferry loop from Eastport Maine to Deer Island and on to Campobello Island, New Brunswick, Canada. On Deer Island we stopped at a tiny store on the island of about 1000. The people know the end of summer drill as well. We chatted with an elderly gentleman waiting outside in a car. T asked him how the winters are on the island and he replied, "it's all over after Labor Day" and today is Labor Day I'm sad to say.

For the Record,
This day came in sunny with increasing clouds and rain forecast for our 6.5 hour drive home to Massachusetts.

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