Paul Morgans

By BakewellPie

Janets Stall

I love this stall in Bakewell market. It's run by Janet who does a fantastic job raising money for charity.
Everyone in Bakewell gives her stuff to sell, but she's quite fussy about what she takes and doesn't accept any old rubbish.
I know this as I once did a table top sale and asked if she wanted any of the things that i hadn't managed to sell. She said no. So they ended up in the charity shop.
A couple of months ago she tipped me the wink that she'd been given some very old copies of Country Life and other magazines from the beginning of the century to the 70's.
She knew I couldn't resist even though I'm trying to get rid of stuff all the time.
I bought them all as they're a fantastic source of reference especially the advertisements which are beautiful in their naivety.
Janet wasn't here today but she always has loads of helpers who are always more than willing to lend a hand.

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