
An unexpected surprise this weekend was that all of my stateside siblings were all together at my parents' house. Huzzah. Nieces and brothers from Austin to visit. And we're going to have another reunion for my grandmother's 90th birthday coming up in a couple of weekends.

I'm really glad I came home. I needed to get away from Fort Worth so much.

Reset. Recharge. Repeat.

Plus, I got a refill on my chinola. Yum. Time to make ice cube trays filled with my favorite fruit/slime/seeds.

Sunday lunch at Floyd's. Barbecued crab. Boudain balls. Bar trash (crab and shrimp). I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. Gosh, I love being from southeast Texas. We've got some great food.

Last night's dinner of red snapper was the best red snapper I have ever had. My dad really outdoes himself. Ahhh... dinners at home. An all time favorite of mine.

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