Jess @ Jesus

By jessatjesus


Visit my Flickr for even more pictures from today with Ellie: Ellie

I had a great day today.

Target setting at 9am, got two A*'s for my Maths and Geography exams. Maximum marks in my maths exam and 98 out of 100 for my geography so I am very happy and relieved with that. Discussed the future, still haven't got a clue about anything and it all seems so serious now. I'm going to need to start thinking hard.

I went to see The Inbetweeners Movie with Ellie and Hannah. It was absolutely hilarious and a great way to spend the end of summer. It is a brilliant film; it's sad to see it all end!

I went for dinner at Ellie's and she asked me to do some pictures for her portfolio which is why this is today's picture. Please take a look on my Flickr, I'm over the moon with the pictures I've taken today. I've never done any model type photography before so I am very happy. I love her boots, too.

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