sunny cove

The winds have eased a little but it remains grey and drizzly - the seaweed however is an astonishing orange! Soon it will be time to gather it and chuck it on the veg beds, always a satisfying if messy task. This kind of seaweed is also excellent for baths! Really, you just throw it in the bath, extract anything living beforehand, then get in, submerge and relax. Something strange happens - the seaweed releases a gloop which is wonderful for hair and skin and incredibly relaxing if a little smelly. I had a quick and breezy stroll along this strand, optimistically known as Sunny Cove, on my way home - great for clearing the cobwebs.

We didn't get to Planet of the Apes last night but watched the 1962 version of Mutiny on the Bounty, purchased in a moment f excitement after seeing the ship they built for the film in Cork harbour. The film was incredibly long but had the delights of an Overture and an Intermission when we immediately wanted ice cream. I really enjoyed it and Marlon Brando was extraordinary - what a very handsome and charismatic man he was in his prime.

Today we have moved on front cutting and sticking to the joys of homemade playdoh - pink! Kittens and baskets were made and then 'destroyed'!!

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