Just Netty

By netty

Expensive Chinese!

Well had a long day at work and four nights off the booze so I thought I would treat myself to a Chinese and a bottle of wine. I order it over the phone then straight in the car because I live in the middle of nowhere, I am fifteen minute from civilisation.

I get to a part of the lane where it is very steep and a car was coming the other direction so I reversed up the hill to let it pass I wait and watch it struggle to get up, it is raining and muddy and it is stuck in a ditch, smoke is coming up from behind it so I think well I know the lanes well, I will get out and help them.

So down I trot to the car stuck, he puts his window down, I say to him that if he rolls his car down he would get out of the mud. Anyway after a few tries and me pushing, out it comes. They wave and say thanks and I trot back to my car that I had left running, but it was dead, bugger, I have run out of diesel cos that's where I was off to before getting the chinese.

So I roll it down the hill, hazards on, I'm at the mouth of the duel carriage way, phone for help. Help comes but with no diesel so off to the petrol station they go, they come back with the diesel, fingers cross, it starts, then it stops. Bugger! What next?

Get the van, with flashing light! Bearing in mind I was sat on the side of the duel carriage way and a police car passes me, sees me. I think, they will be stopping in a minute but no they didn't, that surprises me. Anyway try one rope for towing that snaps, try next rope, just about to pull onto the duel carriage way then snap the rope breaks again. Retie it and off we go!

I have no battery so steering and braking is heavy, my rescuer is driving a bit too fast so the rope snaps again. So retie again, now having to go up the high street with flashing lights on, embarrassing. We do get to our destination so I can get another car to pick my tea up! important!

Get to Chinese, don't have enough money, go to cash point, no money there either, go to next cash point. Back up to Chinese, drive to get wine then home!

I think this Chinese is going to cost me a lot of money, cos it's off to the garage tomorrow!

So much for being a good Samaritan, if I hadn't had wasted diesel helping them I would have had enough to get to the petrol station!

Hey Ho x

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