Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

Memories of Douglas Number 8


My late husband Douglas was a collector. Off the top of my head he collected:-

Football programmes
Rugby programmes
Cricket programmes
Programmes he came across which were from any other sport- speedway, golf, tennis etc
Theatre programmes
Cigarette and other trade cards
Tea spoons
Preserve pots
Dinky cars
Playing cards
and probably other things which I have forgotten.

He loved to eat jam and marmalade... and he loved to make jam and marmalade. He was always on the look out for new flavours to purchase. At village fetes and fairs he always made a bee-line to the preserve stall to see what he could find. He loved to discuss jam making with the stall holders.

Seems like some of this " passion for preserves" has been passed down to our daughter Becky as on a trip to Cornwall last year she came back with 20 jars of jam purchased in various places and when she returned home from a holiday in Boston, USA recently ( quite ) a few jars of jam were part of her holiday souvenirs. She has recently taken possession of her Dad's old jam making pan and is keen to find out if she has inherited any of his jam making skills.

My blip shows a few of Douglas's collection of old preserve pots.

*** Managed to get on to the computer early-ish today as son has gone to his friend's to watch some rugby game or other [ Only kidding - I know it's The Rugby World Cup in NZ - Argentina v England.]

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